Choosing the Best Hands Free Masturbators

hands free masturbators

Hands free masturbators are automated sex toys designed to simulate a realistic sexual experience with minimal effort. These toy stokers avoid the dreaded wrist strain that can lead to lost sensation, and they’re also an excellent choice for those with medical conditions or those who are inexperienced with sex toys.

Choosing the Best Hands Free Masturbators

When shopping for hands free masturbators, there are a few things to consider: shape, materials, and controls. The shape is important because it determines how the stoker will fit around your penis, and the material can affect how easy it is to clean. Some toys are made from body-safe materials like silicone or glass, while others may be made from porous materials that are more difficult to clean.

Shapes – There are many different shapes of stokers on the market, so it’s important to find one that will fit your penis comfortably. Some toys have a clip that clips to your shaft, while others are shaped to fit around the entire area. You want a shape that’s comfortable and easy to use.

Materials – When choosing hands free masturbators, make sure to choose materials that are safe for you and your partner. The best options include body-safe materials like silicone and plastic, as well as non-porous materials like metal.

Controls – If you’re looking for a hands free masturbator that you can control with a remote, it’s important to choose a toy that has buttons in the right position and size. Some stokers have voice controls, while others can be controlled by a smartphone app.

Features – Some hands free masturbators have multiple modes, and some even offer automatic features. These features can help you have an unforgettable masturbation session. Some toys have a warming feature that can make the sensations feel more natural.

VR-compatibility – As virtual reality porn grows in popularity, it’s important to look for a hands free masturbator with a compatible app. This will allow you to sync your toy with the movie and feel like you’re right there with your partner in the action!

Sync to Music – Some stokers have music playback options, which is great for getting you in the mood and making it more enjoyable. This can be especially helpful for those who enjoy listening to their favorite songs while masturbating!

Battery Life – Most hands free masturbators have batteries, which can vary in quality and battery life. It’s a good idea to look for a toy that can last an hour or more on a single charge.

The best way to keep your hands free masturbator in tip-top shape is to clean it thoroughly after each use. It’s important to use gentle soap or sex toy cleaner, then rinse the toy with warm water. If your toy is made from porous materials, be extra careful to follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.

Keeping your hands free masturbator in tip-top condition is the best way to ensure that you have a fun and pleasurable experience each time you use it. You can do this by using a clean, dry cloth to wipe the sleeve, and you can also use a mild lubricant to reduce friction between your toy and yourself.

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