How to Use a Male Stroker

male stroker sex toy

Whether you’re looking for a solo play experience or an intimate partner-focused masturbation session, a male stroker can take your sex to new heights. These toys stimulate the shaft, glans and sometimes even testicles. There are a wide variety of strokers available, some are soft, some are hard, and some vibrate or suck. They’re a great way to experience and interact with the erogenous zones of your body, and they are extremely safe for use.

They Feel Like the Real Thing: Strokers come in a wide range of materials and textures, so you’ll want to pick one that feels like the natural shape of your penis. Look for a texture that’s both ribbed and smooth to add realism. Most sex toy manufacturers use the same patented formula in their products, so they do a great job of mimicking the natural texture of the genitals.

The Best Material: There are many different kinds of silicone that feel good against your penis. Some have a straight and tight feeling to them, while others are ribbed or have ridges or waves. It’s important to find a material that feels comfortable and that won’t get stuck in your penis.

It’s also important to find a stroker that fits your body type. Most silicone strokers are open-ended, so you can use them with whatever size penis you have. They’re also easy to clean, and you can wash them in warm water without them getting dirty.

If you’re not sure about a specific toy, you can always try it out with some personal lube. The best lube for this type of toy is a water-based one that won’t degrade the silicone or clog up the pores of the product. It’s also a good idea to choose a lube that’s fragrance-free.

How to Use It: The first step in using any sex toy is getting familiar with its feel. Start by touching the ribbed surface of the toy and gliding it along your penis’s shaft. This will help you determine what sensations you enjoy most and what pressures work the best. If you’re having trouble with the toy, you may need to apply more lube than usual or change your stroking motion.

Then, apply a small amount of lube to the inside and outside of the toy. It’s a good idea to experiment with various lubes and lube combinations, as you may be surprised at the different sensations they can create.

Once you’re satisfied with your lube, use the stroker to stimulate your genitals, and try to touch other hot spots on your body, such as the nipples or anus. This can lead to a more exciting experience and an increased blood flow to your penis.

If you have a partner, ask them to massage your penis while you’re using the stroker. This will help to increase the stimulation you receive from the toy and will make the experience more enjoyable for both of you.

You can also experiment with squeezing or thrusting your stroker against your partner’s erection, as this can also add a whole new level of stimulation and pleasure. Alternatively, you can get two strokers together and hold them in place for a mutual masturbation experience!

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