5 Male Masturbators to Enhance Your Sex Experience

male masturbators

There are a variety of male masturbators that will enhance your sex experience, whether you’re looking for a solo play toy or a partner-friendly device. Masturbators can help make sex more pleasurable and improve your health in the long run, as well as give you better orgasms.

Automatic Male Masturbators

Sex toys that grant mostly hands-free stimulation at the touch of a button are a great option for those who want to avoid manual stroking, but still enjoy sexy fun. They have various setting options, including automated vibrations, pulses, and strokes. Some even have advanced connectivity features that allow you to connect with a partner across the world and get intimate in real time.

Penis Sleeves

There are also a number of different male masturbator sleeves out there, from Fleshlights to pocket pussies and even strokers. These sex toys are designed to imitate a vagina, mouth, or anus so you can put your penis into them and experience all of the sensations. These male sex toys are often more pleasurable than using your hand, and they’re perfect for solo play.

Egg-Shaped Male Masturbators

These penetrable male sex toys are portable and can be used with water-based lube for extra enjoyment. They also come in a range of designs, some of which have suction that stimulates the tip of the penis.

They’re usually made from silicone and can expand to accommodate a wide range of sizes and girths. However, be sure to check out reviews and compare the insertable length before purchasing a new one.

Cock Rings

A cock ring is a hand-free male masturbator that restricts blood flow to the base of the penis to delay ejaculation and increase sensations. The device can also help you achieve a harder and longer-lasting erection.

Alternatively, you could go for a more textured and intense sex toy like this transparent male masturbator from Fleshlight. It’s got an exclusive design that mimics the sensations of oral sex, and it comes with enhanced lube to help you feel your best.

Its smooth surface makes it easier to glide over the skin, and it has a decent technique that ensures you don’t waste lube. It’s also completely waterproof, so you can use it anywhere without worrying about a leak.

There are also some realistic male masturbator sleeves that look like real human parts. They’re a bit more expensive and require some maintenance, but they do offer a more intense sex experience and are ideal for those who enjoy a realistic sex toy.

The Lelo EV is an app-controlled, high-tech male masturbator that can be controlled from your phone. It combines sonic waves with vibration to deliver an experience that feels just like the real thing. It can be used with a partner or alone, and it’s super easy to clean, thanks to its sonic cleaning spray. Its battery lasts for over an hour of fun. It also comes with a satin storage pouch, fingerless gloves, and a USB charger.

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